Wednesday, 23 February 2011

A word from Head "Gooper"


My name is Gwyneth Paltrow and whilst VIMRS is away I will be writing this week's post.

I am experienced in posting content online so you are in safe hands. I do a newsletter, a goop of my personal recommendations on how you should live your life. It is not a condescending advice dispenser as misguided people in the media have often declared. I like clean places that feel nice and I want you, yes you to inhabit these places with me. Don't come too close though, we must nourish the inner aspect and be vigilant of personal boundaries.

I learned a lot on the set of Glee. Those kids really know how to sing AND dance, I mean it's such a skill, you know? And I got some way to mastering it. I actively put these skills to use when I performed at the Grammy's with CeeLo Green.

My husband, the lead singer of Coldplay said that I did very well. And he should know! He is a very entertaining and politically aware rock star. I mean, have you heard his song 'Yellow'? It is so moving I cry into my new Goldspank sequinned tissue every time I hear it. These tissues are available on for $110 a packet in case you were wondering.

Let's watch one of his amazing music videos. Most of them are of him performing at sell-out gigs and I know you have been to all of those so I've picked one that is especially touching and ALWAYS elicits a tear from yours truly.

Coldplay - The Scientist
Uploaded by itami. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

It's backwards because he wants to go back in time to a the time when his girlfriend wasn't dead due to his careless driving.* Isn't that clever and emotionally advanced? I was asked to be in the video but I had to decline because I was visiting Mexico at the time and nourishing my inner Aztec.

Gee! I have to go and do my goop. It's been a pleasure!


*I would like to point out that Chrisopher neither drinks nor smokes.