first of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
second of all, there was no post last week because i was in berlin. if you've not been then i suggest you go and have a beer or two because it is very, very good. amongst other activities i got to:
- sing to my hearts content in monster ronson's ichiban kareoke:
- learn all i could about that pesky hitler bloke:
- pick up the latest copy of exberliner:
- and watch my friend conspicuously throw up on a table in a cool bar:
all in all, there was a good time all. now to business.
i used to majorly slag off ke$ha for spelling her name with a dollar sign. I WAS WRONG. my time in uber liberal and sexy berlin taught me the error of my judgeMENTAL ways.
here's her alternative video for 'take it off'
here's why i like this video:
1. ke$ha
you show me the last young pop singer to have the balls to dress as trashy as she does. plus in this video she's half animal and stuff. she's like a were-cat only with more glitter and an army of gays. 10 POINTS
2. colour - fuck what you heard about being all dark and grey this winter. on planet pop EVERYTHING MUST BE BRIGHT AND FuCKING COLOurFUL.
3. jeffree star
i forgot this fag even existed. remember when he was the uber queer of myspace? remember when you cared? now he just shows up only to get annihilated by ke$ha's slut voodoo. bet you he wishes he'd spelt HIS name with a dollar sign.
4. animism
anything that suggests you have an inner animal totem is evidence that ke$ha is, you know, well meta and not a total slag wagon at all.
5. ke$ha
because she's not katy fucking perry.